It is definitely one of the most underrated instruments inside professional kitchens, but what is it for exactly?
Sitting down at the table and finding clean and polished cutlery is certainly the best way of starting lunch or dinner. Thanks to the cutlery’s hygiene and shiny finish we can feel that the restaurant owner really cares about offering a complete experience to his customers, through the food and the whole service. Thanks to the cutlery’s hygiene and shiny finish we can feel that the restaurant owner really cares about offering a complete experience to his customers, through the food and the whole service.
Drying, polishing and sanitizing cutlery are activities that need a big effort to be carried out. In many kitchens the manual system is still used: firstly, cutlery is soaked into water and vinegar, and then hand-dried using a cloth.
This procedure presents several disadvantages: above all, sanitization can be compromised by the continuous use of fabric cloths, where it’s easier for bacteria to settle.
Moreover, it also represents a high cost for the owner: specialized staff needs a long time to complete this task, and the same amount of time could be invested on more formative and profitable activities instead.
How can these problems be solved, yet still obtaining dry, polished and sanitized cutlery?
About this question our company Tamai, operating in the Ho.Re.Ca. field for more than 30 years, has devised the program Cutlery Dryer, that aims to develop machines for drying, sanitizing and polishing cutlery.
This program pursues a result that, as facts suggest, influences the business under three aspects: the aesthetic side, the hygienic and sanitary side and also the management of human resources.
But what happens inside of the TAMAI Cutlery Dryer? How is it possible to obtain this result? What is the corn cob?
The corn cob is the inner core of an ear of corn, that after being pressed and ground turns into a granulate which is widely used in other fields as well, such as the chemical industry, the mechanical industry and above all in the jewelry-making industry, where it is used to polish gold and jewels.
This material is completely natural and biodegradable. It has a high absorbing power and is lightly abrasive as well.
Within the machine, the granulate frictions on the cutlery and removes all the superficial spots and the detergent leftovers from silver and metal. And there’s more: the granulate plays an important role in preventing oxidation of silverware, because removing all the chemical leftovers it slows down this process.
Of course, temperature is fundamental in fighting germs and maintaining the granulate intact from the whole duration of the machine’s functioning.
Enriching your kitchen with the Tamai Cutlery Dryer is surely a decision that needs to be considered. Its potential and the advantages of the machine, the technical quality and the green idea behind its concept will surely help you impress your guests, work in a more efficient and less time-consuming way, and improve the environmental-friendly image of your company.
Find the Cutlery Dryer tailored to your business
Automatic model suitable for medium and large size environments
(>150 seats).
Automatic bench model suitable for small and medium-sized environments
(<150 seats).